Digital Work Instructions

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Preventing Escapes in Luxury Goods Manufacturing With Apps

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đź”– Topics: Product Escapes, Digital Work Instructions

🏭 Vertical: Apparel

🏢 Organizations: Tulip

There are two main causes of escapes. The first is a quality issue in a manufacturer’s production line — and the second is a lack of material and production data to detect and mitigate these quality issues in real time. Quality issues occur in your production line when your workers follow inconsistent processes and turn out variances of the same product. Another reason why escapes occur is the inability to detect quality issues early on, most commonly due to a lack of operational and material tracking data.

Unlike many other sectors, luxury goods manufacturing has a highly manual production process. After all, it’s the handmade quality that attracts buyers and justifies the premium price. While manufacturers need to maintain the human element in their production process, they also need to solve the challenge of inconsistent quality and late detection of defects. By adopting digital tools such as digital work instructions, luxury goods manufacturers can start building human-centric operations in which technologies serve to augment their employees’ skills — enabling them to work faster, better, and more efficiently.

Read more at Tulip Blog

Paperless Manufacturing: The Hidden ROI

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✍️ Author: Anisha Padamshi

đź”– Topics: digital work instructions

🏢 Organizations: Parsable

When you look at the dynamic nature of manufacturing operations and all the stakeholders involved that need to collaborate and share information successfully, the benefits of a paperless environment extend beyond the shop floor. As manufacturers continually look at ways to cut costs and operate more efficiently, the easy answer to that is: going paperless.

You can eliminate a portion of your overhead costs, enhance productivity and help out the environment. Going paperless may seem like a daunting task, but it’s easier to implement than you think.

Read more at Parsable Blog

How Delphi Technologies Reduced Scrap and Improved Transparency with Smart Work Station

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đź”– Topics: digital work instructions

🏭 Vertical: Automotive

🏢 Organizations: Andonix, BorgWarner

In Delphi’s Torreon Plant, they manufacture sensors with specific elements that detect specific changes or issues in how the engine is working. Due to untracked quality issues and incorrect parameters, they were producing a higher than acceptable volume of scrap, from which it was not possible to recover materials. While these quality issues did not impact customers, they led to increased materials costs. They believed they could reduce the volume of scrap by tracking and addressing key elements of the production process, but did not have a software tool that supported that level of granularity. They selected Smart Work Station to address the problem.

Smart Work Station offers Delphi the flexibility to document key elements of the process on the floor, including the recording of personalized data to correlate with performance and quality metrics. Using checklists and digital work instructions, they have been able to ensure consistent execution of processes and measure the results of those efforts.

Read more at Andonix Blog