
Assembly Line

A Data-Driven Approach to Sustainability in Industry 4.0 Using MQTT

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Peter Jüntgen

🏢 Organizations: HiveMQ, SVA, Splunk

The MQTT protocol is the de-facto standard for IoT messaging. It works following the publish/subscribe (Pub/Sub) pattern. Many manufacturing and industry 4.0 companies use MQTT as it is lightweight, supports bi-directional messaging, can scale to millions of connected devices, works well over unreliable networks, and allows secure communication.

At the Internet of Things World, Berlin event, HiveMQ, SVA, and Splunk demonstrated the complete cycle of a connected car platform. In this small practical demonstration, we showed how combining data movement and communication efforts could accelerate sustainability in the automotive industry and other verticals. The demo exhibited a HiveMQ broker connecting several autonomous racing cars. The data published by these cars were forwarded to Splunk using SVA’s HiveMQ Splunk Extension. Splunk’s Sustainability dashboard visually brought key sustainability metrics like C02 emissions and fuel efficiency to life.

Read more at HiveMQ Blog