Space Forge

OEM : Aerospace : In-Space Manufacturing


Rumney, Cardiff, Wales


Space Forge is transforming return from space to enable revolutionary products, for the benefit of humanity. We manufacture new materials for a new Earth age.

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How Space Factories Are Becoming A Reality

These autonomous factories on satellites will produce materials in space that can’t be made on Earth

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🔖 Topics: materials science, autonomous factory

🏢 Organizations: Space Forge

Bacon and cofounder-CEO Joshua Western want to take advantage of the unique conditions in space—the very low gravity and the fact that it’s an almost perfect vacuum—to make materials that can’t be made on Earth. Some new materials have already been produced on the International Space Station. A new type of fiber-optic cable, for example, is cloudy when it’s made on Earth because of gravity and impurities in the air, but crystal clear when made in space.

In space, it’s possible to manufacture new alloys that can be used to make bigger, stronger, turbines on aircraft, so planes use less fuel. On electric planes, new materials can make the electronic connections between batteries and the propeller motor more efficient, so the planes need less cooling equipment and can carry more passengers. Space factories are also well-suited to make better batteries for electric planes or cars. Wind turbines, for example, are more efficient the larger they are, but have to be made in pieces so they can be transported to a site for installation, and then held together with bolts. By making bolts that are stronger than what can be manufactured on Earth, it’s possible to develop a larger, more efficient wind turbine that can create more energy.

Read more at Fast Company