Robro Systems

Software : Operational Technology : Quality Assurance

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Indore, India

First of it’s kind AI machine vision platform! Changing what Machine Vision Can do! ​AI Vision Solutions for fast and accurate Inspection. With this in mind, Robro Systems provides camera based automatic inspection and monitoring solutions for error proofing & quality control. Our flagship product - Kiara - is an image processing platform for manufacturing and other industries. It reduces the error rate of manual inspection by 90% and is up to 30% more affordable than existing systems.

Assembly Line

An Effort Towards Reducing Industrial Textile Waste

📅 Date:

🔖 Topics: Visual Inspection

🏭 Vertical: Textiles

🏢 Organizations: Robro Systems

Textiles include various types of materials made from natural and synthetic fibers. To ensure the finished products are defect-free, inspecting the fibers during the production process is important. This also can result in a 45% to 60% savings on the total expenditure due to wastage or recalling defective products.

Line scan cameras are widely used to detect defects in the textile industry. These use single pixel lines for the construction of continuous 2D images as the materials pass through the production line. The cameras can capture superior quality images of various types of materials, which help in detecting any pattern changes without any breaks. Additionally, these cameras can notify operators about any changes in color and texture.

Read more at Robro Systems Blog

Kiara Counting Systems - Camera-based automatic counting and packing machines