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ReCatalyst Announces Successful Closing of an Oversubscribed €1.7 M Seed Financing Round

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🔖 Topics: Funding Event

🏢 Organizations: ReCatalyst

ReCatalyst, a spin-out from renowned National Institute of Chemistry from Ljubljana, Slovenia has closed an oversubscribed €1.7 M seed investment round. The funding round was co-led by the Germany-based High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), xista science ventures from Austria and OCCIDENT from Germany. The syndicate completes RUJ Ventures from Slovenia and the strategic business angel Dr. Tine Tomažič.

ReCatalyst is developing a nano-tech platform for production of next-generation of intermetallic platinum-alloy PEM fuel cell catalysts with the core mission to enable an optimized usage of platinum group metals.

Read more at ReCatalyst News