NXP Semiconductors

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From Austin to Toulouse, Shenzhen to Nijmegen, our people around the globe work to advance our world and make it a safer, smarter, more connected place. We’re reaching those goals through our exceptional technological innovations, giving back to our local communities and instilling pride in our employees. Together, we’re a united front, a force for good. Together, we are NXP.

Assembly Line

🌡️🎛️ Why do we need software-defined factories?

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Alec Makdessian

🔖 Topics: Sensor Design, Programmable Logic Controller

🏢 Organizations: NXP Semiconductors

The next logical step is to create a software-configurable universal analog front end (AFE). An example is NXP’s N-AFE. In comparison with other universal AFEs currently available, it also integrates all of the discrete components that go into the system, such as protection and signal conditioning, and a slew of diagnostics features. Because it is software-configurable, all the maintenance engineer has to do is replace the sensor and reconfigure the analog input module remotely via the user interface, eliminating the time required to replace the entire measurement unit.

In a system that integrates universal AFEs, the role of the PLC is expanded to include performing safety checks before, during and after these actions by communicating with internal diagnostics and programming terminals to ensure that everything is running smoothly.

Read more at Electronic Products

Missing Chips Snarl Car Production at Factories Worldwide

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Debby Wu

🏭 Vertical: Automotive

🏢 Organizations: Aptiv, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Infineon, NXP Semiconductors, Renesas Electronics, Toyota, TSMC, Volkswagen

Semiconductor shortages may persist throughout the first half as chipmakers adjust their operations, researcher IHS Market predicted on Dec. 23. Automakers will start to see component supply gradually ease in the next two to three months, China Passenger Car Association, which groups the country’s largest carmakers, said Monday.

Chipmakers favor consumer-electronics customers because their orders are larger than those of automakers – the annual smartphone market alone is more than 1 billion devices, compared with fewer than 100 million cars. Automaking is also a lower-margin business, leaving manufacturers unwilling to bid up chip prices as they avoid risking their profitability.

Read more at Bloomberg (Paid)