Manufacturing x Digital (MxD)

Consultancy : Trade Group : National


Chicago, Illinois, United States

MxD (Manufacturing x Digital) is where innovative manufacturers go to forge their futures. In partnership with the Department of Defense, MxD equips U.S. factories with the digital tools, cybersecurity, and workforce expertise needed to begin building every part better than the last. As a result, our more than 300 partners increase their productivity, win more business, and strengthen U.S. manufacturing.

Assembly Line

How Companies Oversee IoT Device Management

πŸ“… Date:

✍️ Author: Tammy Xu

πŸ”– Topics: IIoT

🏒 Organizations: MxD, FourKites, Industrial Internet Consortium, SOTI

Companies have been using Internet of Things (IoT) devices for a long time, from agricultural companies monitoring weather and crop conditions to industrial companies tracking the output and safety within manufacturing facilities.

IoT can accelerate processes by giving companies real-time data and visibility, but having a lot of devices can be a maintenance and security headache. In those cases, it’s even more important to have the right procedures in place for IoT management.

Read more at Built In