
Software : Operational Technology : IIoT

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States


Losant’s Enterprise IoT Platform provides the complete edge and cloud software foundation to build and scale compelling IoT applications for your customers. Our customers choose us because we have a unique, low-code approach to application development that offers a level of agility and speed to market that is hard to find anywhere else.

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Sensor Noise and Straightforward Software Techniques To Reduce It

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Taylor Morgan

🔖 Topics: IIoT

🏢 Organizations: Losant

Sensor telemetry is at the heart of IoT. But while it can lead to amazing insights, it can also be noisy and inconsistent. There are two main sources of the problem. First, all sensors have hardware limitations and only measure to a certain degree of accuracy, with sequential readings having some amount of variance. (We call this variation in sensor readings, “sensor noise”.) Second, even if a sensor could measure with perfect accuracy and precision, the world itself that the sensor is measuring still presents variation; for instance, an IR distance sensor is affected by sunlight.

We can accept noise and inconsistency as a reality of IoT, but we can also take reasonable steps to reduce them. For instance, is there more accurate hardware available? Are there adjustable gain, sensitivity, positioning, or other calibrations to make on our sensors? Can we reduce environmental factors? Should we average out multiple readings over time? In many cases, these basic steps are enough to allow the data of interest to stand out.

Read more at Losant Blog

How OEMs Can Embed IoT To Create New Revenue Potential

📅 Date:

🏢 Organizations: Losant

The Embedded Edge Agent allows OEMs to bring connected products to market faster. Once the OEM has incorporated the EEA into their sensors or devices firmware, the OEMs are able to collect and deliver embedded device data to their customers. The EEA allows OEMs to quickly and easily deploy low-code IoT solutions that create added-value by making their products more competitive and profitable. It also creates an opportunity for OEMs to generate new sources of revenue by monetizing data and services.

Read more at Losant Blog