
Software : Cloud Manufacturing : General

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Manchester, England, United Kingdom

VC-A; OTB Ventures

Fractory offers metal fabrication services online. We have a wide range of manufacturing partners who provide high-quality services for laser cutting, metal bending, CNC machining, etc. Just upload your CAD files to the platform to get an instant price! Our algorithm chooses a partnering supplier suitable for the job, considering availability, location and capabilities. We provide a full service from quoting to delivery. Fractory takes responsibility for each step of the process. The manufacturing is done according to ISO standards. All raw materials are certified according to standards.

Assembly Line

Welding Defects – Types, Causes, Prevention

πŸ“… Date:

πŸ”– Topics: Welding

🏒 Organizations: Fractory

Modern technology allows us to perform welding techniques more efficiently. Along with numerous testing methods facilitating the discovery of different types of welding defects, the execution and correction of these imperfections is constantly getting better. Focusing on improving both the machinery and technical skill make up a difference when it comes to limiting weld defects. This leads many industries to manufacture products of higher quality than ever before.

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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) – Process, Types & Applications Explained

πŸ“… Date:

✍️ Author: Siim Sild

πŸ”– Topics: Nondestructive Test

🏒 Organizations: Fractory

Non-destructive testing refers to the use of testing techniques that do not alter any of the properties of the tested product. These properties could be its strength, integrity, appearance, corrosion resistance, conductivity, wear resistance, toughness and so on.

When the scope of work is simple, using a single NDT process may be sufficient. But in a lot of cases, a combination of techniques and test methods are used for concrete information about the product characteristics.

The purpose of each type of testing is to ensure that we have a safe product. With destructive testing, however, the intention is to find the operational limits for a product through tests such as fatigue and tensile tests. On the other hand, with NDT, we check whether a manufactured product or one that is already in service is good enough to function satisfactorily in its service environment. We may also use it to assess the extent of wear and tear such as the use of ultrasonic thickness measurement for steel plating of ships.

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Design for Sustainability

πŸ“… Date:

πŸ”– Topics: Sustainability, Circular Economy

🏒 Organizations: Fractory

Typically, product designers select a few focuses, for instance, design for manufacturing (DFM), design for assembly (DFA) and design for reliability (DFR), and optimise those aspects of the product. Every design decision is evaluated in the light of the selected focus or focuses and relevant changes are then made taking the full life cycle of the product into account.

A sustainable alternative to this system is the circular economy. The main focus of this type of economic model is to reintroduce used parts as raw materials for new products. The intent is to move from a high-waste to a high-value model. Such a system is highly resource-efficient and reduces the effect of consumer demand on the exploration, pollution, and wastage of natural resources. Models such as biomimicry, cradle-to-cradle, product service systems (PSS), 4Rs, are all strategies that can provide design features to achieve a circular economy.

Read more at Fractory Engineering Blog

Fractory Raises $9M to Rethink Manufacturing Supply Chain Metalworks

πŸ“… Date:

πŸ”– Topics: funding event

🏒 Organizations: Fractory

Founded in Estonia but now based in Manchester, England β€” historically a strong hub for manufacturing in the country, and close to Fractory’s customers β€” Fractory has built a platform to make it easier for those that need to get custom metalwork to upload and order it, and for factories to pick up new customers and jobs based on those requests. Fractory’s Series A will be used to continue expanding its technology and bringing more partners into its ecosystem.

Read more at TechCrunch