Elementum 3D

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This New 3D Printable Wonder Material Could Help Propel NASA’s Future Missions Into Deep Space

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✍️ Author: Micah Hanks

🔖 Topics: Additive Manufacturing

🏢 Organizations: NASA, Elementum 3D

Recognizing its potential, engineers with NASA’s Reactive Additive Manufacturing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RAMFIRE) project decided to see whether aluminum could be engineered in such a way that it could become a viable material for use in 3D printing rocket components. The result was A6061-RAM2, a novel aluminum variant that, when paired with a specialized powder in a process known as laser powder-directed energy deposition, or LP-DED, succeeded in producing the RAMFIRE rocket nozzles.

Although conventional nozzles may require hundreds, or even close to a thousand small, conjoined parts, the RAMFIRE nozzles are single-piece constructions, which helps to significantly reduce manufacturing and assembly time.

Read more at The Debrief