
Software : Information Technology : Asset Performance Management

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Northampton, Massachusetts, United States

VC-B; Teradyne, Ridgeline Ventures, Tola Capital, Hyperplane Venture Capital, Long River Ventures, Mass Ventures, Hub Angels, Firebolt Ventures

For manufacturers, it’s never been more important to deliver the best product faster than ever. Continuous improvement in manufacturing starts with capturing insights from your operations- specifically your machine assets and people. MachineMetrics’ Industrial IoT Platform has automated machine data collection and production analytics to deliver data-driven insights in a matter of minutes. Jumpstart your digital factory and take action that improves your bottom line.

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Assembly Line

MachineMetrics, Universal Robots’ Partner to Automate Robot Performance Monitoring and Intelligence

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🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics, Universal Robots

MachineMetrics, the leader in machine connectivity and production analytics for manufacturers, today announced the availability of their Connector for Universal Robots (UR) to easily connect to and capture valuable data from any equipment from UR. This latest connector, now available through the UR+ program to all current UR cobot users, enables instant insights into the health and performance of their cobots. Now manufacturers can maximize the uptime of their cobots to increase productivity and drive additional throughput with no additional headcount.

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Machine Integration: The Value of Connecting Equipment to Shop Floor Systems

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✍️ Author: Graham Immerman

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics

Most management systems rely on manually collected data to carry out their functions. The data being put into these systems is usually delayed, inaccurate, and often not uploaded to the system altogether.

The key to solving this problem: Machine connectivity, which unlocks a stream of accurate, real-time production data straight from shop floor equipment and machine integration, which involves sending this data to shop floor systems.

Integrating machines with your shop floor systems ensures that each system has the most effective data it needs for either people managers to make decisions, or to enable the system to drive automation based on the data.

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The Importance of M2M for Manufacturing

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✍️ Author: Bill Bither

🔖 Topics: IIoT

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics

One way manufacturing manages the incredible amount of data to leverage the power of IoT analytics is through Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology. M2M offers a way to increase the power and utility of a cloud-based analytics platform while addressing many challenges brought about by the amount of data produced.

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The Hidden Factory: How to Expose Waste and Capacity on the Shop Floor

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Bill Bither

🔖 Topics: Manufacturing Analytics

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics

Without accurate production data, managers simply cannot hope to find the hidden waste on the shop floor. While strict manual data collection methods can take job shops to a certain degree, the sophisticated manufacturer is leveraging solutions that collect, aggregate, and standardize production data autonomously. With this data in hand, accurate benchmarks can be set (they may be quite surprising) and areas of hidden capacity, as well as waste-generators, can be far more easily identified.

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How to Reduce Tool Failure with CNC Tool Breakage Detection

📅 Date:

🔖 Topics: computer numerical control, manufacturing analytics

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics

There are several active technologies used in CNC machining that enable manufacturers to realize these benefits. The type of system used for tooling breakage detection may consist of one or more of the following technologies.

They’re often tied to production monitoring systems and ideally IIoT platforms that can analyze tooling data in the cloud to better predict breakages in the future. One innovation in the area of non-contact technologies is the use of high-frequency data that helps diagnose, predict and avoid failures. This technology is sensorless and uses instantaneous real-time data pulled at an extremely high rate to build accurate tool failure detection models.

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MachineMetrics Announces $20M Series B Funding Round

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🔖 Topics: funding event

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics, Teradyne

MachineMetrics, an industrial data startup that elevates manufacturing performance through autonomous machining, announced today it has raised $20 million in Series B financing. The company will use the funding to scale its platform globally and democratize access to the machine insights that power manufacturing operations.

“Manufacturing is on the brink of a digital renaissance. The intersection of software, big data and physical machinery is the next frontier for manufacturing and a proven solution for overcoming the production and labor shortages we are experiencing right now,” said Bill Bither, co-founder and CEO of MachineMetrics. “Today’s industrial machines are inefficient because they require significant human intervention to operate. MachineMetrics makes it easy to harness data from these machines and lays the foundation for the factory of the future where machines operate autonomously and with predictability.”

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Industrial DataOps: Unlocking Data and Analytics for Industry 4.0

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: @billbither

🔖 Topics: cloud computing, edge computing, IIoT

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics

As an approach to data analytics, DataOps is all about reducing the time to high-accuracy analyses using automation, statistical process control, and agile methodologies so that manufacturers are able to use the data they collect quicker and with a higher degree of confidence.

The role of DataOps in Industry 4.0 is to take all of the info created and collected by machines, like IIoT devices, and effectively condense them into refined, usable business “fuel” to drive decision-making, rather than be left to sit in a data warehouse, unexamined.

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MachineMetrics Announces $11.3 Million Series A Funding Round

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🔖 Topics: funding event

🏢 Organizations: MachineMetrics

MachineMetrics, which equips factories with the digital tools needed to increase productivity and win more business, announced Tuesday it has raised $11.3 million in Series A financing. MachineMetrics is a pioneer in Industrial IoT (Internet of Things) technology. Its system is designed so that customers can install it themselves without the need for expensive and time-consuming customization.

Tola Capital led the round with participation from existing investors Hyperplane Venture Capital, Long River Ventures, Mass Ventures, Hub Angels and Firebolt Ventures. With the new funds, the company will expand its data science and product development teams while accelerating global sales.

Read more at MachineMetrics Blog